Registrants' Benefits and Responsibilities(注册人的实益与责任)
更新日期:2023-04-19 10:43:16
本文引用ICANN文档 来源>>
Domain Name Registrants' Rights:
Your domain name registration and any privacy/proxy services you may use in conjunction with it must be subject to a Registration Agreement with an ICANN Accredited Registrar.
You are entitled to review this Registration Agreement at any time, and download a copy for your records.
You are entitled to accurate and accessible information about:
The identity of your ICANN Accredited Registrar;
The identity of any proxy or privacy service provider affiliated with your Registrar;
Your Registrar's terms and conditions, including pricing information, applicable to domain name registrations;
The terms and conditions, including pricing information, applicable to any privacy services offered by your Registrar;
The customer support services offered by your Registrar and the privacy services provider, and how to access them;
How to raise concerns and resolve disputes with your Registrar and any privacy services offered by them; and
Instructions that explain your Registrar's processes for registering, managing, transferring, renewing, and restoring your domain name registrations, including through any proxy or privacy services made available by your Registrar.
You shall not be subject to false advertising or deceptive practices by your Registrar or though any proxy or privacy services made available by your Registrar. This includes deceptive notices, hidden fees, and any practices that are illegal under the consumer protection law of your residence.
Domain Name Registrants' Responsibilities:
You must comply with the terms and conditions posted by your Registrar, including applicable policies from your Registrar, the Registry and ICANN.
You must review your Registrar's current Registration Agreement, along with any updates.
You will assume sole responsibility for the registration and use of your domain name.
You must provide accurate information for publication in directories such as WHOIS, and promptly update this to reflect any changes.
You must respond to inquiries from your Registrar within fifteen (15) days, and keep your Registrar account data current. If you choose to have your domain name registration renew automatically, you must also keep your payment information current.
本文引用ICANN文档 来源>>
您的域名注册以及在注册域名时可能使用的任何隐私/代理服务必须受与 ICANN 认证注册服务机构签署的《注册协议》约束。
您的 ICANN 认证注册服务机构的身份;
必须遵守注册服务机构发布的条款与条件,包括注册服务机构、注册管理机构和 ICANN 规定的所有适用政策。
必须提供准确的信息以便在 WHOIS 等目录中发布,并在此等信息有任何变更时及时更新。
必须在十五 (15) 日内对注册服务机构的询问作出回复,并确保使用最新的注册服务机构帐户数据。此外,若选择自动续用域名注册,您还必须确保提供最新的付款信息。
如果遇到产品相关问题,您可咨询 在线客服 寻求帮助。